Monday, May 21, 2012

And baby makes three...

Knox Kermit was born on January 8 2012. We had just moved into our house on December 31. On Saturday, I was madly cleaning the house, because I knew the baby was coming soon, and thankfully my mom was there to help me. I had been having contractions since Thursday, but they would come for a few hours and then go away completely. I hated it, it was the longest waiting game I had ever encountered. I went for a  long walk that morning and then started cleaning. We cleaned everything... the toilets, the floors and the basement. I think I may have even moved a couch! But finally around 3 o'clock we took off for the hospital. Then it was another waiting game. The doctor broke my water about 7 and then finally at 4:28 am on Sunday morning our beautiful baby boy was born. Knox was 7lbs and 6 ounces and 19.5 inches long. After pushing for two hours, he was finally here! I can't imagine my life without him! He has been a blessing to our lives and we are truly blessed!

 We had many visitors, which was a blessing. We had been in that hospital room for too long and loved all of the company. Everyone was extremely excited to meet baby Knox!

On Monday we got to go home.

However, we didn't get to stay there for long. The next day after going home, a home health aide called to ask if we wanted them to do a courtesey check in the home. I thought that Knox may be a little yellow looking, so I had her come out to check for jaundice. And yes, he had it. Looking back now in those pictures (like the one above) he looked like a pumpkin. So we had a ultraviolet light that was to be around his stomach at all times.

After a few days of that, it didn't seem to be working and his levels had spiked, so we went back to the hospital for IV fluids.

We were there for three days, but his levels finally started to go down. He layed under a full body light and had continous IV fluids to flush out the blood cells that his immature liver couldn't handle yet. We did go home with the belly light again for a few days, but we all recovered.

Both times we were in the hospital, we had exceptional care. The nurses were amazing and Dr. Kramer was the best. I feel very fortunate to live so close to a hospital that can take care of these things! If any of my nurses or doctors read this, THANK YOU! You rock!

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